Friday, April 30, 2010

The Hidden Dangers of Curly Fries

(Exact size of the fry I found lodged between my cleavage)

So, last night me and my boo were "Thinkin Arby's", so we trucked on over to the roast beef conglomerate and ordered the infamous roast beef combo meal, complete with curly fries. Let me just start out by saying; My boo is SUPPOSED to be my "personal trainer" because I want to be bikini bod ready by summer, and since summer is creepin up on me (kinda like my ass, that currently resembles the size of Texas), I was kind of hoping he'd stick to his plan of making me look fab by taking me to the local sushi joint, but noooooo. He suggests Arby's. The only reason I am bringing this up, is because this minor decision of where to eat could have prevented the MAJOR incident which occurred approximately 5 hours later.

Later that night, I hopped into bed wearing a sports bra and shorts. (And no, this is not intended to give anyone a visual. Trust me, that's the last thing I want. For your sake.) I believe I was in the middle of dreaming about being on a deserted island (a result of watching too many episodes of Lost) when I rolled over on my stomach and felt a sharp pain in my left boob, which caused me to wake up. I sat up, pat around my bra and felt a solid object. I reached down into my bra to discover a 4 inch long curly fry that somehow crawled into my bra. Did I mention it was a sports bra? Yea. How the hell does that even happen? I've learned not to question these types of things anymore. It does me absolutely no good. So of course, I ate the fry and went back to sleep. I woke up and went into work this morning, and on the way, my boo text me to ask where I happened to find my breakfast this morning. Smartass.

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